Thank you for creating one of my favorite films, "New Jack City." Ice T- phenomenal choice. Having a good looking Asian cop on this task force played by Russell Wong- absolutely brilliant. So you have a pretty kick ass cast, Wesley Snipes, Bill Cobb, Chris Rock, Michael Michele, Judd Nelson and even that dude from Sister Act. Now of ALL of those who die why'd you have to go and kill off the Asian Man, huh? And Judd Nelson, the one white dude gets to live? That's cold son- COLD. There was a skanky Asian chick in the movie- how come she got to live? Why does it always have to be the Asian man? WHY?!
Angrily Yours,
A Quiet Asian Man
P.S. I'd include a picture of Mr. Wong from the movie... but surprise surprise- none could be found.