Dear Ken Jeong,
Your role in the Hangover may have seemed like a ball of laughs but you just gave more ammo to the belief that asian dudes are.. how do I say this... not big. Let's not even go into the character's masculinity. Anyway, your brief frontal nude scene wasn't brief enough and anyone not trained in the art of locating microscopic things might be under the impression you were going mangina "Silence of the Lambs" style. Come on man... couldn't you have use that same "ting ting" Mark Walberg used in Boogie Nights? That was like a whole other character in the movie. When I first saw the film, I thought I might of accidentally walked in the theater playing "Anaconda 2". Thanks dude. Really. I better tell my parents I will be coming home after my date tonight.
Quiet Asian Man
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