Dear Hollywood Movie Makers,
Steven Segal is not Asian. He just wishes he was. I have a hard time understanding why you kept casting him as a man that really wishes he was Asian in a role that could just be be played by a real Asian man? Segal plays the same character in every movie, a quiet timid, non-threatening characters that display a lack of emotional range and that can pull out a can of whoops as as needed. I know someone just like that- I call him "Dad." He's whooped my ass plenty of times and he doesn't have to squint his eyes to look Asian. My Dad is 100% Asian. I bet a large majority of my Asian brothers and sisters just read that character description and also thought of their Dads. Again, why cast someone who wants to be, when you can cast someone that already is? It's f*cking insulting. And the majority of us do not age poorly. You can get many years out of us. I cannot say the same for Mr. Segal. Sorry dude. You're really not looking too good these days, but did you really ever? Those wrinkles in your forehead that appear to be very permanent? That's from all the years of forced eye squinting. You made your bed, now lay in it.
Quiet Asian Man
P.S. Segal, that ponytail's really got to go.